Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why this Blog ?

So much retoric, so much B.S., so many lies. Where does the common, hard working, moral, faithful person who keeps on plugging away despite all the barriers go? How do they survive in this insane politicalaly corrupt world. Big business controls our lives and politicians that bow to them rule us. Common sense is looked down on. Reason is responded to by vicious attacks. Crazies and wishy washy thinking is now the norm, and logic has no place. I am tired of it all. I am tired of others making decisions that negativly affect my life, cost me my hard earned money ( and I do mean hard earned) as well as being grouped in with people who have distorted the moderate conservative view. So this is a laymans blog. I will try to address the issues in a calm and reasonable manner, based on facts as I can find and research them as well as tell you when I am spesking just my opinion on an issue. We need a new voice. I will try to be that. Thank- you D.P.Mott

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